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Teleradiokompaniya  Tartarstan - a “New Age”  is a single satellite operator in Republic Tartarstan and comprises of itself channel  Tartarstan - a New Age  (TNV), radio  Yana Gasyr”  and "Love-radio", weekly newspaper  On wave Tartarstan - Tartarstan dulcininda. The Open join-stock company is registered 17 May 2001. Full-fledged work began the August 26 2002.




Telekompaniya  “EFIR” falls into three-tuple the most largest not state television companies to Russia and occupies the leadinging positions in information and advertising industry of the republic Tartarstan.


In net own work costs the program  Morning  (the matutinal channel), information program  City  (the leader information space republics), program  Interception  (one of most raiting project channel), program  FAM-TV  (glamour telejournal for womans), program  O.R.Z.  (the common recipes of health).

Radiokompaniya  Bim-Radio


the November 18 1994 Resolution Ministry relationship of the Republic Tartarstan TOO  Information systems  was issued license of realization of the broadcasting on frequency 102.8 MHZ in Kazan, and thereafter this day is official daytime births Bim-radio.


The Format to radio stations   foreign and russian pop music. The Radio station broadcasts 24 hours in day. On  we BEAT-radio  more than 30 constant programs. The Zone working  Kazani and adjoining regions (Zelenodolisk   are carried in wire radio full stop at a rate of state radio station, Volzhsk, Arsk).  Bim-radio  falls into rule of the assotiations телерадиовещателей RT, in rule of the committee on advertisment under trade-industrial chamber, is an organizators of the actions of the Committee on deals youth RT and Goskomitet sanpidemnadzor RT.


WE Bim-radio is recognized best radio station 2001 on contest  Crystal feather .

Подпись: Radiokompaniya  “Kuray” 

Radio Kuray first national radiokompany in Tartarstan. Radio Kuray broadcasts 24 hours in day: tatar, domestic, foreign music. The Own studio production programs and audiotracks in russian and tatar languages. On put there is Acquaintance for tatars. Voting for loved performer, dj. The Photographies loved dj’s.
Подпись: 2007—year to charities in Tatarstan
Подпись: Year to families in Tatarstan
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