On length long length of time history of the origin Kazan remained debatable. The Scientific dispute about date of the basis of the city, on the known us data, lasted more than one hundred years. The Attempts of the determination of his(its) age were undertaken by Town Duma in 1894, as well as city administration and казанскими scientist 25 years back. And in that, and in the other event undoubted scientific proof and fact is discovered was not. The Laborious studies of the last years, which were conducted in 32 archeological раскопах, in 62 libraries and archive, including in 46 foreign, - in буквальном sense have opened the new layers to histories. The Scientist has acknowledged that is made large scientific opening - is discovered by V cultural layer, in which are found unique subjects. Amongst them: gilded bracket, which hungarian scientist date on its analogue by medium H age; a part silver arabic dirfhem, engraved, on conclusion каирских scientist, in the first half H age and found in address before border X-XI ages, referred to epoch Samanidov; glass бусы, which have produced the sensation in scandinavian country due to its origin; czech Saint Vaclava - a coin, which is dated scientist to Cheches end H age and study which has allowed the czech researcher to do the sensational opening: that coins on their native land have begun to engrave on century earlier, than was considered. The Scientific expert operations discovery and conclusions on he were done by division of the numismatics of the State Hermitage, National museum to Hungaries and Cheches, specialist university Moscow, Berlin, Cairo. Taking into consideration frequency of the coincidence expert estimation, scientist by way to mathematical aproximation has removed the date of the origin Kazan as city - 1005. The Results of the studies were considered on three international scientific forums with participation scientist 21 countries. In total five institutes of the branch to histories to Russian academy of the sciences and his agency has stood the verdict about time of the origin Kazan and, moreover, have acknowledged that open new methods of the dating the formation city. The Edict President to Russian Federation and Republics Tartarstan celebration 1000-year jubilee build in rank state triumph. Kazan has found its birth day and August 30 2005 will note this big jubilee. The Committee of the European cultural heritage of the Advice of the Europe accepted decision about undertaking in Kazan in 2002 International Congress Businessman and Symposium history city and region of the Europe, in 2003 - an european action "Cultural heritage Great Volzhsk way", in 2004 - a Days of the european heritage and International forum "Cultural heritage islamic city". It Is Organized international round table "Great Volzhskiy way", on which accepted decision annually to conduct scientifically-practical conferences in all city, located on length Great Volzhskogo way - from Tehran before Oslo, for the reason reconstruction cultural, economic, business relations. Not so much on planet city, counting history. Today Kazan falls into new epoch - an epoch of the rebirth old-time and the most great valuables of folk. Do the capital Tartarstan worthy member to families the most old city planets, do all that this ancient city city became on threshold of its second millennium to world civilization, city of the world culture, - here is that that is puted work begin in most on training jubilee action. Kazan must become the revenge, opened whole world, city with developed infrastructure and the most rich cultural and history heritage. |