The Mosque Mardzhani

(earlier YUnusovskaya, Efendi) - g.Kazan, str.Nasyri 17 Mosques Mardzhani. The Photo A.HALITOVA, 2004 Two-story two common-rooms

 mosque-jamie with minaret on roof, is built on the personal permit of the Catherine II on facility parishioner

 in 1766-70 gg. is Found ashore oz. Wild boar in Starotatarskoy settlment.  Two-story Jamie with minaret on roof. The Named name SH.MARDZHANI, served in her in 19 ages.




The Mosque Suit Tash

 - g.Kazan, str.The Furrier 23 In 1802 in New Tatar settlment on facility merchant Utyamysheva was build Devyataya cathedral mosque on Big Simbirskoy street. In some russian document this mosque was identified "Stone on Simbirskoy str.", Starokamennoy or Big Stone though neither on its size, nor on time construction she nothing especial did not differ from the other mosques of that time. The Tatar name of the building - "Suit-Tash mechete" - can be translated as "mosque Old Stone". The Origin of such unusual name reveal the legends, sent from generation in generation inhabitant tatar settlments. They  that mosque is put ed on place of the fraternal grave moslem warrior, protector Kazanifallen during assault of the city in 1552, which big old stone was marked to moment of the bookmark of the building (the suit tash). And really if match the date of the basis to mosques since date of the fall Kazan in medium XVI age, that uncomplicated calculate that her appearance has complied with 250-year this tragic for musulman events.




Mosque Nurulla

  The Mosque Nurulla Market mosque was identified in past on Hay area (now str. Kirova, 74). She was build in 1844 (1261 h.) on facility merchant Gubaydully bin Muhammed-Rahim bin YUnus bin Ishbulat bin Ishmurat scarlet-Kazan.

The Author of the project became gubernskiy architect A. I. Song. The Name "Market mosque", used Kayum Nasyri, amongst other , probably, most corresponded to the destination of this building since characterized her in unique for city of the functions.







The Mosque Burnaevskaya

- g.Kazan, str. Ahtyamova 5 Mosques Burnaevskaya were puted in 1872, for receipts  3 on place burned wooden mosque. Her construction, what reported SH. Mardzhani, was financed merchant and manufacturer, owner of the textile factories Sadyk bin Kurbangali bin Murtaza bin smail bin YUsuf bin Isnay bin Isankul bin Bornagili scarlet-Bereskavi (Burnaev). She was build originally without minaret, in the forms russian "new taste" 1860-h gg. Pertains to type  Jamie  with minaret on entry.





The Mosque Sultanovskaya (Usmanova)

- g.Kazan, str G.TUKAYA 14 Build in 1283 g.h. (1868) on facility merchant Dzhigansha  Bikmuhammed Gabd-es-Fat  Gosman scarlet-Karile (Usmanova). For fifty prerevolutionary years mosque has haved time to to change not one name. In different document and book her possible meet as mosque Dzhigansha-beating or mosque Usmanova, under number 8, and 11 and as New mosque, "mosque at the corner Tihvinskoy and Fuksovskoy streets", "Redden".

It Is Built on facility one of the the most rich merchant Kazan Dzhiganshi Bikmuhammed  Gabd-es-fat  Gosman scarlet-Karile (Usmanova) in 1868 (1283 h.). Pertains to volghs to type jamie with minaret when entering in building. The Facades and image of the building self-possessed in spirit of the russian romanticism with use bulgar prototype and islam decorative motive.



The Mosque Azimovskaya in Wattle

 - g.Kazani, str.Fatkullina, 15 Mosques Azimova. The Photo A.HALITOVA, 2004 One of the the most beautiful mosques Kazani. One-story two rooms mosque-jami with minaret when entering is built in 1887-1890 gg. on facility merchant Azimova on place of the old wooden mosque, existed with 1804, for worker soap works (receipts  6) kazan merchant and manufacturer Azimov

Building to this mosques is noted that seal to emotion, manifestation of the personal contribution zodchiy, that inimitable devil, which allow to name

the building by work of art. The Natty beauty-mosque, costing on crossroad two streets,  one-story wooden lodge, causes the unchangeable delight, how much once you her nor saw. This is an amazing building as it is woke came on streets worker settlments from magic fairy tales, pleasing eye nice proportion, concinnity of the silhouette and figured facade.





The Mosque 1000-years of Islam

- g.Kazan, str.Taktasha 26 Zakabannaya mosque, 1926 Photo A.HALITOVA, 2004 Build on project of the engineer A.E.PECHNIKOVA in 1924 on public facilities in honour of millenniums of the taking the islam bulgars. The Other names: Zakabannaya, Jubilee, Aging. With its appearance ancient type was reborn in Kazan to mosques with minaret in the corner buildings. In image this outstanding design characteristic arab-moorish monument of the muddle ages match on its beauty of the building with artistic quality of the modernist style. Rich plastic arts wall simultaneously produces an impression strictnesses, tersenesses due to reserved on tonality to combination of the open brickwork and cement-stucco details, self-possessed geometric forms, volumes and line. The Idea geometric simplified arabesque penetrates whole декор facade, as from parapet and consoles-mukarnas and finishing window  and forged fence to galleries.





The Mosque "Kul-SHarif".

 The Photo D.PETROVA, 2004 Sakralin space to mosques is limited wall Flint and former YUnkerskogo school. The Borders area on project are bolted pavilionami-"mavzoleyami", complementing memorial image of the complex. The Image storied 8-минаретной to mosques turned out to be so strong in memories of tatar folk that on past nearly five centuries was newly reconstructed mosque with its name. The General idea to mosques Kul-SHarif is her history importance as the main to mosques Tartarstan and tatar folk, reviving its military. The Other leading idea - memoryal, memory about protector Fatherland. Kupol building with four minarets on corners, - a centre to whole compositions, - will symbolically reconstruct destroyed much ages back scarlet-Kabir city Bulgar, ancient symbol povogskiy  Islam. In many minaret has found its reflection a legend about eight minaret mosques 16 ages Kul-SHarif. The Main dome has found the forms, associating with image "kazanof the hat" - a coronas kazan khan, taken away in Moscow after fall Kazan and exhibit now in Gun chamber. The Intertwining designs  arches emphasize the kinship with design nomad's tents, - ancient home nomadic turks. The Element of the artistic image, in architecture of the building, became bulgar sign of the rebirth and prosperities - a tulip.


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