Khans The History of Kazan khanate as nor paradoxical, time dark, and not too well studied even by tatar science, which prefers to sink in more deep temporary layers. Our problem tell about this brilliant time briefly. And tale this will not from war before war , as this, alas, but on rules khan. Since about Ulu Muhammada we have already told, shall continue the tale from his, which has occupied the throne on deaths father. Mahmud (Mahmutek): 1446- after 1461. Ulu Muhammadu not fated was to the ful the triumph on Russia he moderate soon on return from its march. The Throne has occupied his son Mahmud, which, for distinguishing from father, often name diminutive Mahmutek (the drawing 1). The Choice of the successor comprehensible two other s, Kasim and YAkub, have got as levies: Kasim kindom on Eye, YAkub russian service. The Fairy tale about that, is woke Mahmutek has killed its father, was necessary the historian to motivate flight Kasima in Russia. Indeed flight no was not tsarevitch has got that as one should was on agreement. Neosnovatelinosti this fairy tales is seen at least on that that ostensibly kill together with father YAkub peacefully continued to serve in Russia. Halili: after 1461 1467. About circumstance of the rule of this khan we have no no certificate, except tatar family, referring to as his(its) khan, and tale Gerbershteyna. In russian source he is not mentionned since with Russia did not wage war. Probably, he continued the politician of the accumulation of power, his predecessor. Sooner whole, he rules much not long, not more than 2-h years. Ibragim: 1467 1479. On Ibragima in Kazan then and there the scandal, which, scales of the national disaster, through without small 100 years has ruined the khanate. A Part lord has declared that on throne must Kasim, ruled in that time by its kindom in Gorodce Mescherskom. Leaving in party personal motives , shall immediately select the scolded reason this and the following conflict. The World was violated russian in 1478 - they have wanted to beat off Hlynov. However, storm swept the russian naves on Volga, and parties have concluded new armistice, term which unknown. Ibragim moderate;temper next year. His rule, thereby, was darkened two wars in Russia, but as a whole economy khanate else continued to grow. MUHAMMAD-Amin, 2-e rule: 1487-1495 (1-e refer to above). Russian have put(deliver)ed the khan Muhammad-Amina , but Ivan III has taken the title of the prince Bulgarian. Its kazan colleague he named brother . Began time so named russian protectorate. Kazani was to agree with Moscow purpose of the khan, not to wage war against it, and not to offend the russian merchant. It is impossible say that, particularly at the first years of the dependencies from Moscow, russian ordered in Kazani absolutely. The Beliefs about danmark, which ostensibly paid Kazan, are founded on misunderstanding in correspondence two governments speech went about mode of free trade and cancelling the duties that was is untrue interpreted old russian historian. The Alliance reached the apotheosis in 1490, when Russian army has destroyed the last remainder strictly Gold(en) Horde, and has taken the Shed. Mamuk: 1495-1496. The New khan turned out to be unchancy. Vyrosshiy in specific term , as delicate was expressed M. Hudyakov, he simply did not cope with management big : has tax(cover)ed all tax, yes else march against own specific prince Arskogo. During march kazans have locked the city, and have not let the khan back. He returned in Siberia, but insurgent has wound the negotiations with Russia. MUHAMMAD-Amina they return itself has not wanted, but instead of that have required on throne of the brother his Abdul Latifa, as was him . Abdul Latif: 1496-1502. Vyrosshiy in Krymu, haved time to to correct in Russia Zvenigorodom, new khan has restored all agreements with Russia. The Protectorate lasted. In 1499 to Kazan approached with army brother Mamuka, siberian tsarevitch Urak, but was reflected kazans themselves. Having Taken power, khan became to allegorize against continuation of the alliance with Russia in so close-fitting forms. These talks have put on the guard the representatives russian party . They tell in Moscow, has from there arrived the embassy, and the khan. This was direct interference in internal deals Kazani, however, with presenting their own oligarch, and not in the first once. From Kryma has entered the protest, but also only. MUHAMMAD-Amin, 3-e rule: 1502-1518. The Moscow authorities has brought back into Kazan Muhammad-Amina, which all this time of the veins under Moscow and ate chosen him lands. In this time he, obviously, on a great deal saw a lot of, and deep hate to russian and their lifestyle. He began to prepare the upheaval, avoidable first chapter to russian party (more so that life has taught the khan entrust her it is impossible). the June 24 1505 khan gives the order to beat russian, and crowd kills in Kazan all to Russia. On such cruelty of the khan has ostensibly moved his(its) wife, former previously wife of the khan Ali, and in quality ed in reference in Vologde (if so, that her hate to Russia possible to understand). All property russian merchant was enthralled chronicler speaks that khan, before that, ostensibly, eaten from caldron, yak dog from washtub , finally-that the good dishes. Right after that 40 thousand татар and 20 thousand will go on Lower Novgorod. The March was carefully and prepared straight under nose beside russian . However, take then else wooden Lower not to manage (read in detail about this занятной of the histories in tale about Lower Novgorode). However, one hundred thousand russian warrior were engulfed such awe that did not dare go hereinafter Muroma, and pool Eye turned out to be the occupied kazans. The Shah Ali, 1-e rule: 1519-1521. In Kazan together with new khan profit russian troop to was not repeated carnage 1505. This, as well as hopes to get the khan not from of the dynasties, but from crimean Gireev, has caused the upheaval. In 1521 in Cream has gone the letter, answer to which became the troop whole in 300 persons, headed by tsarevitch Sahib Gireem, which and became the new khan. The Upheaval has occurred bloodless, but has killed all a soldier, was got and russian, was again pogrom merchant. The Shah Ali and 300 faithfull run ostensibly itself Sahib gave him such possibility. On road заплутали. Meantime in Moscow Vasiliy III so ed that could not drink and there is. road, Shah Ali left to some river, where has seen the russian fishermans, and has told him about upheaval. The Fishermen with awe have thrown their own cordages, and together with fugitive ed in Russia. Getting to full poverty, eating carrion, exorcised khan, nacked, is woke right before was born (the expression Kazan chronicler ), and fishermen together with him, came to Podmoskovie, and have pleased Vasiliy III its saving. Sahib Girey: 1521-1524. Receipts in Kazan bright manager from Kryma meant cut-in Kazani in orbit islam world and in sphere of the influence Turcii, which vassal was then Crimean khanate. This meant and breakup with Russia. Immediately on Moscow has gone two troopses and crimean. Connected in Kolomenskom, warriors of the islam have carried out in capital of the Russia terrible pogrom, by conclusion of the world on the conditions of on old fellow - Moscow promised to pay Krymu that that gave the Gold(en) Horde. In 1523, in spite of the world, in Kazan was new pogrom, have killed the merchant and russian . Exactly at that time russian dared to build on most border with khanate, in his limit formally, city Vasili (now Vasilisursk), but on Kazani in that year will not go, only innocent chuvash. Commanded this punitive share a Shah Ali. Right before received to the authorities in Krymu Seadet Girey was caused reconcile Moscow with Kazan, but Moscow refused. Safa Girey, 1-e rule: 1524-1546. In same 1524, when Sahib Girey run on south, against 13-year his nephew has gone the moscow army with Shah Ali at the head, number in 180 thousand nigh only. But the whole this large cumbersome object again disembodied, three parts, and had little successes. Particularly significant was a victory on big russian fleet on Volga, in region present CHuvashii, when russian run with naves naked and barefoot. Then has sunk the ensemble a gun, which has taken out of water, and russian long tried their back. At some moment russian have even so proceed with siege Kazan, but spirit was . Not and one day, they have charged the world whereupon deleted in sadnesses . Else Moscow happened to to acknowledge Safa Gireya legal khan. Exactly hereon events russian tried to press on khanate by economic lever, having forbidden its купцам to go in Kazan on fair. Usually in literature this measure is estimated as successful, but the sources speak other khanate, can, and carried damage, but in Lower Novgorod, new place of the fair, foreign merchant went unwillingly, and in Russia will go on accustomed already, and became necessary, east goods. Karamzin specifically notes that russian merchant scolded its grand duke as for prohibition to go in Kazan, so and for base in the land city Vasilya. Dzhan Ali: 1531-1534. The Young khan of the rules sooner nominal, deals fuelled the tsarevna Kovgorshad. The Rule this weak khan, then and there with Moscow, interesting more whole that that in Kazan under he appears the daughter of the nogai emir YUsufa Syuyun Bike. The Name, which has left in five the most deep trace. While, however, nothing do not foreshadow her future: the sources only speak that 17-year khan its wife does not love. In state we see the chaos, and the main uncertainty comparatively that, what wants the power. As soon as in Moscow moderate Vasiliy III, in Kazan have killed Dzhan Ali, and have declared about breakup of the relations with Moscow. The Representatives to russian party run in Russia. Safa Girey, 2-e rule: 1534-1546. On throne then and there returned from nogai steppes Safa Girey. Remained incomprehensible, why in general was necessary the an upheaval and his exile. However, discontented crimean in Kazan indeed were: they have sent in Moscow envoy, reporting that khan began to distribute the privileges its . Russia, remained after death of the grand duke without strong (Ivan IV was while much yun), acted halfhearted, and attempts to wage war Kazan stopped the crimean diplomacy, presented Kazan several calm years and thousand of the lifes. If marches and were, that such comical, as in 1545, when russian regiments differed realy that that pubs, belonged to khan. In same 1545 in Moscow profit secret mission with request to send the troops under promise khan, but has got the annoyed answer first , afterwards help will. And that, , yes else and pogrom against he has made. The Shah Ali, 2-e rule (1546). After fluctuations, the kazans has invited on throne Shah Ali, which was kept on throne whole month, and felt itself, as in prison. Got to that that beside he thieved from beneath nose gold(en) containers, but khan itself was in such condition of the spirit that, being moslem, called in help orthodox saint, desperately trotted. Kazansy themselves have forbidden him to enter in city with big army, with him was whole 100 . So, when to Kazan has approached Safa Girey, reflect his(its) was there is no one. The Shah Ali second once run, losing cloths, down Volga, where has accidentally met the merchant from Kasimova, and with they returned in Russia. Safa Girey, 3-e rule: 1546-1549. Even so this khan was a great persons, and differed the enviable fortress of the spirit. Its third rule he began the terror: opposition, straight betrayed interests its state, need for punishment. The New government has constituted of wholly. The Khan has proceed was to recovering the economy, has adjusted even relations with Russia, which did not dare to undertake nothing, except foray on fringes, but suddenly deceased. The Death him, what speak, was absurd ostensibly drunk that doubtful, he was knocked about wash . The Crimean historians have named his one of the the most great , under which kindom . Utyamysh Girey: 1549-1551. The Ruler his son-infant Utyamysh became after glorious , but practically state has Syuyun Bike, his mother (the drawing 3). Does Not without intrigue. Kazancy have asked beside Kryma to give him in khans Bulyuk Gireya, however, ruled then in Bahchisarae former khan казанский Sahib Girey consents on this did not give, moreover, has put Bulyuka in prison in Inkerman. But then Sahib has written in Istanbul that sultan has offered on throne in Kazan Davlet Gireya, which was found under the most High Threshold and potentially could pretend on throne in Bahchisarae. This manoeuvre Sahib wanted to secure itself from Davlet Gireya, that having ed him in Kazan, that having killed, when that will enter on peninsula. Unknown as, but sultan all this has solved, but since he was already discontented Sahib Gireem, that has sent Davlet Gireya in Kazan only on word, itself gave him branded on in Bahchisarae. The Ithaca, Davlet arrives in Cream, and overthrows Sahib Gireya. Since turned out to be in this situations extreme, him nothing do not remain to do, what put on throne infant. But also Bulyuka Davlet have afterwards killed on the most measly cause. The Shah Ali, 3-e rule (the August 16 March 1551- 7 1552). Together with russian regiment Shah Ali in city. He has then and there proceed with liberation foamy, simultaneously trying influence upon Moscow in that that she did not dismember the khanate. The Shah Ali already at September has revealled against itself cabal, with participant which diposed of much cruelly. Understanding that Shah Ali will be inevitable is subverted (the tolerated him only therefore that he promised bugle party), Moscow has solved to not to allow the uncontrolled development an event, displace the Shah Ali and put(deliver) on throne of the russian deputy. The Shah Ali was, but has quickly delivered the deal and went to Sviyazhsk. The Deputy has fixed the Semena Mikulinskogo. Since March 7, under full tranquillity in city, russian started to swear in new ruler a townsfolk. At night March 8 in city profit baggage of the deputy. But, when he March 9 itself in the morning to city and tried to proceed with its duty, that has found the gates frantic rebellion happened in city, which have the three daredevil from number best people that is to say . Nesostoyavshiysya have to was leave, herewith he not nor united fence, but here is 180 стрельцов have killed in fortresses rebelled, the personal guard of the deputy, who profit a little earlier and turned out to be in hostage, and have divided between itself that is to say property of the deputy. Khan YAdygar was On throne invited. And though capital was in siege, he has without hindrance in city and sowed on throne. YAdygar (the March October 1552). Seemed, all returned on circles its. Kazancy have begun the fight for independence, and had a small successes in small clash. In ditto time in Sviyazhske prospered the decomposition and reigned the panick awe before enemy. But already at May Sviyazhsk from Moscow began big, and the last, march on Kazan. Cream tried to disturb the march khan Devlet Girey together with turk has reined the Thulium, but since the main power russian have not yet haved time to to Kazan, he happened to to remove the siege and delete to itself on south. the August 5 russian army has entered in limits Kazan khanate, going Suru. the August 16 last attempt was undertaken from Sviyazhska to persuade the in capital khanate has left two letters; the grand duke wrote the leader tatar clergy Sack SHarifu, but Shah Ali khan YAdygaru. The Answer was negative. the August 23 Kazani was already blocked. Finally, October 4, after siege, russian troops in fortress, began street fighting. All again a little were did not come off since warriors then and there raged the robbery, and, seen this, become their , however, to manage to call them to order whereupon in the same day Kazan herded. This happened 13 , or at the second day of the month of the Scorpion of the year Mouse - this date in all numeration(reckoning)s slammed into in public memory. Ali Acre (summer 1553 springtime 1556) The Public war began on taking Kazan soon. Already at December we see, as sharply changed the mood a chuvash and , which treachery has played in fall khanate key role now they rob and kill russian on snow-clad road. 74 chuvashes, on which have indicated the , in Sviyazhske. At February 1553 russian government faced that that in village goes the mass disobedience a tax collector moreover mercilessly kill. The Troops insurgent have chosen the rate its city whole in 15 верстах from Kazan, from what follows that some time russian checked only band of the seaside from Sviyazhska before Kazan. Sotnik Mamysh Berdi has finally collected around itself all guerrilla. He has made itself capital Roan (near Kozimodemiyanska on Volga, rather then in muffle some) and summer 1553 has invited on throne Ali Akrama from Nogai Horde. Nogaycy were going to to support the guerrilla enormous , but because of discord in most horde march did not take place. Moscow has answered the scale war at September 1553. This war went whole 1554, however, in spite of terror and beating the enormous masses of the peace inhabitants, russian at all did not manage to strike a blow on strictly troops. The Situation was so complex that in 1555 russian have not renewed the hostilities against insurgent was necessary be going to with power. Have Additionally attacked the : Devlet Girey will go on Moscow, but , either as in past once, only before Thulium. Only in 1556 war was renewed, now already resolutely. The Springtime was will take Roan moreover assault was correct, by means of undermining. Ali Acre kill in fighting, Mamush Berdi chuvash and is issued russian. After at May herded Arskaya area, khanate has stopped its existence. Began mastering the novaja zeml'a tap russian from of the lands, became by property of the grand duke, - so, as this understood in Moscow. But this already does not pertain to subject of our talk. |